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PelargoniumOrganic Rose Geranium Essential Oil
The scent of this oil is very relaxing and helpful for meditation because, while calming, it is not sedating (so don't use it just before bed). Combined with frankincense and benzoin or tonka beans, it makes a traditional a blessing oil. In connection with blessedness, in Muslim folklore, the Prophet laid his freshly washed shirt to dry on a mallow plant and it was turned into a scented geranium. Worwood writes that this scent is good for centering before work with angels and for help in understanding what opportunities and disappointments mean for us. She recommends the use of this oil as part of a regimen for cleansing the aura. In the language of flowers, this magick herb stands for happiness, and indeed, this scent is very cheerful. This plant is typically connected to Venus, but has a bit of Mercury in its scent (the dill), so consider it especially helpful if you are, for instance, meditating in order to aquire magical skills. Additionally, rose geranium is a nice inexpensive natural substitute for rose absolute. Although rose geranium is by no means purely rose in its scent (it has a spritz of something almost like dill in it), it is very often used to give rosiness to a fragrance. Steam distilled from organic Pelargonium graveolens. Top

Combining With Other Essential Oils

The spicy, fresh rosy scent of rose geranium combines well with benzoin, bergamot, black pepper, clary sage, clove, cypress, fennel, frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper berrylavender, lemon, mandarin, orange, palmarosa, patchouli, peppermint, rose, sandalwood, and ylang ylang. Top

Organic Rose Geranium Essential Oil
5 ml $15.00

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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Meditation Aid
Aura Cleansing
Venus Herb

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.