Witch's broom This Air plant has furnished ritual brooms (besoms) and floor brooms for hundreds of years. A besom made from this plant is handy for purification of a space through ritual sweeping (nice as a mini-broom for your altar). Some believe this broom to be offensive to the Fae, though this is also the broom that folk jumped over when they wed. Traditionally, this plant is a substitute for furze/gorse, heather, holly, or butcher's broom in Celtic pathways. It is Ngetal, the twelfth letter of the Ogham alphabet, according to The Scholar's Primer. It has played a role in Air magic, having been burned to calm blustery winds and thrown into the air to raise winds. In Scotland, broom flowers among others were used to decorate female figures made from sheaves of corn and paraded on Imbolc (St. Bride's Day) in what was apparently a maiden celebration. The yellow flowers are considered good luck, but in Suffolk and Surrey you were not to make a besom of broom when it was in flower, or you would sweep away your luck. Warriors might also consider it as a protective charm, as Richard the Lion-Hearted always stuck some in his helmet before riding into battle. This plant was chosen to represent Glasgow by its inhabitants, so it's nice to work with if your ancestors came from there. Its flower essence helps increase a positive attitude. A native of the British Isles, it has been woven
into baskets and wattle-type fencing, and it has been
dried to make thatch roofs. The long, straight branches
of this tall (4-9ft/1.2-2.75m) perennial plant make great brooms. The leaves and tops give a yellow dye
very similar to that of weld, and it was also added to
beer for its bitterness and sedative qualities before the introducton
of hops. Its flowers don't make any nectar, but bumblebees love
its abundant pollen, which is triggered to shower them. They don't
seem to mind getting covered with it, and they busily carry it back
home. The blooms turn to hairy pods
that crack open loudly to release the ripe seeds, throwing them
up to 12ft/3.6 m. The leaves have been smoked for sedative effect, but this plant contains a strong
heart toxin (it's a traditional remedy for various heart ailments),
so don't ingest it. It is used in very small amounts in some historical
beers, and that kind of use is considered safe.
Witch's broom is also known as Scotch broom,
Banal, Basam, Besom, Bisom, Bizzon, Breeam, Browme,
Broom Tops, Brum, Genista Green Broom, Irish Broom, Irish Tops.
Dispensatory on Broom Top |
Cytisus scoparius Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:
Besoms © 2000-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction of any part without permission. |
Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.