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Papaver pilosum plantPapaver pilosum
Turkish Poppy


Closely related to Papaver spicatum (another Turkish papaver), this Moon herb has wider, rounder pods and buds than its sister. It likes to grow in clumps in the rocky mountains of Turkey, blooming there in July and August (it has bloomed in June for me here in upstate NY). The hairy leaves are light blue and up to 6 in long.  The flowers are pale orange, sometimes with a white basal Moon blotch on each petal, and a gold boss of stamens in the center.  They track the Sun. The stalks get up to 32 in/80 cm tall.  This is a wonderfully delicate flower on a tough little plant. It blooms the second year from sowing. A great rock garden plant! Top

How to Grow Turkish Poppy

Papaver pilosum flowerGerminate like Papaver somniferum, only this is a little slower.  Sow in spring and transplant out after they get their first true leaves.  This plant enjoys light, well-drained soil (although I have grown it in rocky clay). It likes sun where it is cool and dappled shade elsewhere.  Don't transplant it again once you've put them in the ground.  This plant is hardy to -20F (Zones 5-7).  General growing info Top

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.