Armenian Poppy Discontinued This hairy native of the Armenian mountains likes rocky areas and has become naturalized in some parts of Britain. Poppies are usually associated with the Moon, but you might also consider the influences of the Sun (flower shape) or Saturn (this plant likes it cool, dry, and rocky). It might hybridize with P. orientale, so if you plant it with oriental poppies and want to save seeds, keep that in mind. This poppy is a relative of P. atlanticum and P. rupifragum, but it is a long-lived perennial and relatively easy to grow from seed. The stems get 20 in/45 cm high from a rosette of nicely serrated, fuzzy leaves. Pale buds open into light orange semi-double flowers 1.5-2 in/4.5-6 cm across in spring and early summer (I also got some singles). It prefers sunny, well-drained locations, like the dryish crevices of rocks, and makes a good rock garden plant. It self-sows readily where it is happy. Top How to Grow Armenian Poppy
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