In Herbalism At one
time this herb had medicinal uses in the treatment of rabies, which is
reflected in both its botanical name (a-lyssum = not enraged) and its
common names, madwort and healbite. This is apparently the source of
the idea that it is helpful in calming anger. In Afghanistan, this plant is
used medicinally for asthma and nervous disorders, and in Spain it is a
diuretic and provider of vitamin C. The edible flowers and leaves
taste like a broccoli leaf (which shows both this plant's membership in the
mustard family and an Airy pungency). In Spain,
leaves and flowers are added to salads to give them a little extra spicyness. However,
some people with very sensitive skin get a rash from handling this
plant. Top In the Garden This is a classic cottage garden plant that is good for making borders,
as a ground cover in sunny areas around bulbs and roses, in a Moon
garden, and even in containers. Sweet alyssum is a good groundcover
around vegetable plants because it attracts beneficial insects that eat
aphids and
caterpillars and helps smother weeds, and it breaks up the soil, adding
organic matter. It also looks
great around roses or spring bulbs and resists being eaten by deer. It
reseeds easily but does not
become too invasive because its roots are shallow, so it's easy to pull
up. Top How to Grow Sweet Alyssum The small seed requires light to germinate, so sprinkle it on moist planting soil and gently press in. Keep in indirect light. Water by gentle misting or bottom water so the seeds are not dislodged. Transplant to sunny areas with rich, light soil and good drainage (no standing water). Sweet alyssum makes a great living mulch because it is shallow-rooted, low, spreading, and attracts beneficial insects. It is perennial in zones 4-9 but usually grown as an annual. General growing info. Top
Lobularia maritima
Uses in Witchcraft & Magic: Elemental Magic (Air) © 2006-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction without permission |