This vine in the cucumber family is usually connected to Mars, probably because of the prickly hairs on its stems and leaves, typical of cucumber-related plants. But a more fitting association for this plant is Uranus, since the plant's name, Bryony, comes from the Greek word "to shoot out," and Uranus plants shoot out all over. Uranus plants are also known for their ability to shock the body/spirit, which is certainly within this magick herb's capabilities, since it is a very violent purgative (so do not ever ingest). Uranus plants ward off lightning - Caesar apparently wore the leaves of this plant for this purpose when out in the field with his troops, and it worked for him.:) As a Uranus associate, bryony makes a good herb catalyst for initiating massive change in oneself. Top Non-Magickal Uses A native of Europe and North Africa, this herb was used medicinally by the ancient Greeks and Romans and in England from the time of the Middle Ages. Charlatans there used to grow bryony root in a mold, much as some people still grow pumpkins or squash today, but these molds were crafted to make the root look like mandrake. Even then, apparently, real mandrake was hard to come by. Bryony is still the typical European substitute for mandrake, just as Podophyllum peltatum is the American substitute, and in that case is connected with love. Top |
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