In 1571 the Catholic Church accepted the New World resin from which this essential oil is made as a substitute for the difficult (and now impossible) to obtain balm of Mecca. This makes a great substitute in magical oils for any balsam or balm a formula might call for and adds a lush, rich smoothness to all sorts of blends. Because of its historical uses, it obviously has Sun qualities and is a great addition to oils for consecration, but it is also wonderful for adding richness to Venus oils. The essential oil does not tend to irritate sensitive skin like the resin can. Steam-distilled from Myroxylon pereirae klotzsch resin. Top Combining With Other Essential Oils This is a sweet, cinnamic, balsamic scent that works well as a fixative (helping scents last longer) in perfumes. With a slight note of vanilla, it combines well with cassia, cinnamon, myrrh, nutmeg, olibanum, opoponax, patchouli, vanilla, and vetiver. Top |
of Peru Essential Oil
Uses in Witchcraft & Magic: Purification
& Consecration © 2008-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction without permission