Pokeweed, Poke Sallet A floppy Uranus plant with vibrant purple-red stems, pokeweed likes to grow in open woodlands, in fields, along fences, and other border areas. Although the whole plant is poisonous to some extent (the roots are the most poisonous), people have been eating and growing pokeweed for centuries. Native Americans gave the seeds to Europeans, who so much liked poke sallet ("sallet" is a term from colonial times for cooked green) that they brought the plant back to Europe, where it now grows wild. Young tender leaves and shoots (be careful not to cut to the root) can be eaten after being boiled in two changes of water. No red-tinted plant parts should be used. Cooked berries can be made into pies, and they have also been turned into dye and ink. The raw berries taste terrible to humans, but birds love them, and on warm days, when the Sun turns the berries' sugar to alcohol, they will get drunk on Gaia's own pokeberry wine. Pokeweed's flower essence helps release anger, tension, and encourage the flow of energy. In Herbalism
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