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Mecopnopsis prattiiPrickly Blue Poppy (Meconopsis prattii) Info
This Moon poppy has a touch of Mars in its extraordinary prickliness that is reminiscent of another poppy, Argemone munita.  This plant likes growing in the lower elevations of the Himalayas and is commonly found in the mountainous part of China.  The flowers grow in groups of 12-15 and are blue to violet blue.  Use a peony cage for it to grow through, or it will tend to blow over.  Mulch with bark or composted pine needles to increase soil acidity and preserve soil moisture.  This plant needs a cool, rainy summer, as in the Pacific Northwest, coastal California, the mountains (will grow in NC mountains, for instance), Canada, or the UK. They can survive harsh winters if they have a good snow covering, but this plant dies after it produces fruit, so consider it an annual. Top 

Meoconopsis prattii podsHow to grow Prickly Blue Poppy:    Gently press the seed into the surface of the moist soil mix--this seed requires light for germination (do not put in sun). Bottom water or gently mist; don't let it dry out.  As with any poppy, watch for damping off; scant sowing, good ventilation, or a sterile soil mix like vermiculite and peat help prevent that. Seed should germinate in 2-3 weeks at room temperature.  Transplant to rich, moist soil (dig in plenty of Black Cow and some peat for acidity) and dappled shade or morning sun and afternoon shade).  Mulch well to keep soil moist.  Watch out for slugs, which love poppies.  Keep well fertilized and deadhead to promote more flowers.  The flowers will develop into seed-filled pods and will then die.  Save the seeds for more plants. General growing info Top

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