Hops - Information Page
Despite its associations with sleep, hops is often considered a Sun herb, perhaps because of its tendency to climb anything to reach sunlight, or Mars, on account of its "claws." The part typically used, however, is the female part of the plant, so consider that when incorporating it into your spellwork. Some associate it with wolf magic, since it climbs by means of hooks and since its Latin name (lupulus), means wolf. A sedating herb, hops is good component in various dream formulations, whether they are dream pillows, tinctures, or teas. For a relaxing bath at the end of the day or in preparation for dreamwork, try simmering a couple tablespoons of hops in a pint of water for 15 minutes and then straining and adding the liquid to ritual bath water. It damps the sex drive, so it is good to use in anti-aphrodisiac spellwork. It's also a bittering agent, however, so you might consider hops when you are doing spells to break up lovers or sow bitterness between people. A typical sleep pillow includes 2 parts hops, 1 part rose, 1 part pot marigold petals. For a sedating tea, try 1 teaspoon in a cup of boiling water, and let infuse for 15 minutes; 1/2 cup would then be the dose. This herb is often combined with valerian and passionflower in sedating teas, but it should not be used in the presence of depression.
Hops Essential Oil
This is the perfect addition to any magic oil intended to honor deities associated with beer! Another consideration is in the botanical name for hops, Humulus lupulus. It was thought that because the hops vine wears hooks and is a very tenacious climber that it had a wolf-like (lupulus) nature. So consider hops also for any oils connected with wolves, werewolves, shapeshifting, or that is intended to encourage steadfastness, resourcefulness, and determination. Many find the scent of hops relaxing in a gentle Sun herb manner, and the fruits are a classic for dream pillows, so try it in dream oils too.
Combining With Other Essential Oils
Hops has a green, herbal, leafy smell with woody undertones and a little funk that blends with basil, sweet birch, cajuput leaf, carrot leaf, carrot seed, roman chamomile, coriander, cumin, black currant bud, dill, sweet fennel, fig leaf, geranium, ginger, ivy leaf, marigold, marjoram, oregano, parsley seed, patchouli, rose, saffron, seaweed, tagetes, thyme, and wormwood.
Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:
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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.