23. 'Take thou also unto thee the chief spices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty, 24. and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. 25. And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil.' (translation from The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, London: Soncino Press [1977]) Top The text goes on to forbid the production of this oil for other purposes (Ex. XXX:32-33). We have often wondered if that prohibition is why Mathers translated calamus as galangal. Or perhaps he meant this substitution to function as a test of the operator's general knowledge. Certainly such tests occur often in magical texts, and it is difficult to believe that Mathers just made a stupid mistake that was perpetuated for decades. Top The Exodus recipe is the source for the oil described in the Abramelin operation, which facilitates contacting one's holy guardian angel. Many have noted the similarity between the spices in the Temple oil (upon which the Abramelin oil is based) and those used in ancient Egyptian perfume oils. This is certainly true; in ancient Egyptian recipes, myrrh and cinnamon are often found as ingredients for making olive oil "astringent" so that it might more readily accept the subsequent ingredients, which are considered the actual fragrance. If that is true here, then the calamus is meant to be highlighted. Hmm... Top Calamus has mundane uses as well, making an effective fixative in pot pourris and perfumes. This oil is steam-distilled from Acorus calamus rhizomes. Top Toxicity Issues Beta-asarone, a component of calamus essential oil, is highly toxic when swallowe and has been shown in lab experiments to cause mutations in human liver cells and human lymphocyte cells. The Eurasian type of calamus contains a very small amount of beta-asarone (5% of the essential oil), and the Indian variety contains a large amount (up to 75% of the essential oil). This essential oil is from Nepal with a beta-asarone content between 4% and 7% depending on whether it was grown in high or low altitudes. While it is true that not a single case of calamus root causing cancer in humans has ever been reported, this oil should not be ingested under any circumstances and great care should be taken when using it. Likely much of the emphasis on the toxicity of this essential oil has more to do with its apparent involvement in the manufacture of illegal drugs than with any actual harm it might cause as a fragrance. However, do not ingest it! Alchemy Works offers calamus oil because it is a component in Abramelin oil according to the new translations of the book from the more complete German manuscripts. It smells good too. TopCombining with Other Essential Oils The warm, herbal, spicey scent of calamus root combines well with cedarwood, cinnamon, frankincense, lime, orange, patchouli, and sandalwood. Top |
Calamus Root Essential Oil
Uses in Witchcraft & Magic: Angel Magic © 2006-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction without permission |