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Santo Cilantro seedsCoriandrum sativum
This magic herb was been with us long enough that it was grown in the Hanging Gardens of ancient Babylon. It is included on the Lurianic Kabbalistic plate for Passover as a bitter herb (Ashkenazim usually replace the Sephardic cilantro with parsley), symbolizing the tears of the past. Cilantro is the leafy part of the plant that produces coriander, but its scent is quite different. Coriander is usually considered Mars and Fire; the leaves of cilantro are not hot but do have a warm component, so it could be said that they partake of the same correspondence but much more mildly. Some consider this a good herb for healing the heart chakra because of its fresh green color and "green," herbaceous scent. Its color also means it has been used in money magic. Top

Mundane Uses
This wonderful herb is used not only in Mexican cooking but is also a characteristic flavoring in Armenian, Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern dishes. It is often combined with bean dishes from falafel to refritos, probably because it is a digestive--and it just tastes good with them. You can saute it with mint to add to chutneys, and chopped leaves give character to salsas. Roots and stems are added to Thai curries. In terms of taste, it has been described as a cross between parsley and citrus or parsley and marjoram, but some people think it tastes soapy. Cilantro is recommended for detoxifying the body of heavy metals. Chopped leaves can also be applied to soothe insect bites. If you would like to preserve your cilantro for use in the winter, chop, combine with some lemon juice to keep it green, and freeze in ice cube trays. Then pop out the cilantro cubes and keep them in a container in the freezer until you need to use it. Cilantro is also known as jilantro, Chinese parsley, and coriander leaf. Top

How to Grow Coriander
Sow directly in a sunny plot of ground from spring through summer to germinate in 7-14 days. Space seeds 2-4in/5-10cm apart. It gets 12-18in/30-45cm tall. This is the kind of plant you should sow in stages so that you will have fresh leaves for harvest throughout the season. Although this variety of cilantro was developed by natural selection to resist bolting (flowering), eventually it will bolt, and then the leaves get too strong to be really tasty anymore. If you keep sowing new seeds every couple of weeks, you won't have to worry about that. Or you could just let it go and harvest the coriander seeds from it. Leaves are ready to pick in 55 days and coriander seeds are produced in 100 days. An annual, so collect seeds to replant the following year. General growing info Top

Coriandrum sativum
"Santo" Cilantro
50 seeds $3.75

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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Money Spells
Mars/Fire Herb

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Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.