![]() Pot Marigold When magickal texts refer to marigold, this is what they mean. Pot marigold, or calendula, is not at all related to the marigolds commonly grown in gardens, although it has been cultivated for hundreds of years. A native of Egypt, this Sun herb was introduced into the British Isles (which is why statements that it is sacred to the Druids are doubtful). It was a staple in medieval gardens there, and Europeans brought it to America. Colonists flavored "sallets" (cooked greens), soups, and oatmeal with calendula, and even made wine from it (petals are nice in quickbreads). Some say calendula builds psychic powers and induces prophetic dreams, but that seems like an odd job for a Sun herb. Sun magick is usually associated with protection and gaining wealth. For instance, in Europe, pot marigold flowers were scattered under the bed to protect the sleeper, and holding them protected the individual from plague and thieves. In the past in Europe, the flowers were strung and hung over doorways and windows for protection and were made into decorations for MayDay and Beltane. Also as a Sun herb, pot marigold stengthens the heart and thus the spirits; according to Culpeper, this herb is ruled by Leo. He describes how its pungent, spicy flowers can be made into tea or broth and be "a comforter of the heart and spirits, and . . . expel any malignant or pestilential quality which might annoy them." Pot marigold also warms our hearts toward others, so that we can be compassionate to our fellow beings. In Hoodoo, calendula is combined with other herbs - galangal root (Low John), yellow dock, carnation, snake root, and bergamot - and together with Just Judge oil and a protection nail, put into a small purple or white cloth pouch that is carried for protection during court cases and legal matters. Another Hoodoo magickal item quite in keeping with typical Sun magick is Gambler's Gold Lucky Seven Hand Wash, which is a decoction of alfalfa, allspice, calendula, chamomile, cinnammon, coriopsis, and Irish moss. Strain and use to wash hands before playing games of chance. The pot marigold is October's flower and symbolizes endurance, which makes sense, since this flower blooms from April till frost. Top
Calendula officinalis
Uses in Witchcraft & Magick: Protection Spells © 2006-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction of any part without permission. |
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