Borage This bold magick herb ruled by Jupiter and Leo was eaten for courage by Roman soldiers before they went into battle. Medieval knights wore scraves embroidered with the flowers for the same reason. Pliny said that borage-flavored wine was the Nepenthe of Homer, which when drunk brings forgiveness. In Elizabethan England, it was considered to lift melancholy; according to Culpeper, borage expells pensiveness and melancholy, and the candied or jellied flowers comfort the heart and spirits of those who are sick from consumption or from the passions of the heart. Gerard recommended eating this herb in a salad for joy and said that a syrup made of the flowers "purgeth melancholy and quieteth the phreneticke and lunaticke person." A contemporary commented that the flowers also "cheer the hard student." In Hoodoo, borage flowers in the house help bring about domestic tranquility. The flowers sprinkled in the bath are good for courage or for Jovian protection, and a cup of borage tea can help with feelings of vulnerability and disjointedness. Logically enough because of its connections to Jupiter, this herb is associated with the Hierophant in the tarot deck. This big, rough herb with its very blue flowers is great for cottage and herb gardens. Mundane Uses Borage has been cultivated since at least 1440 in Castille, Spain, in
herb and ornamental gardens, and was brought to Europe by the Moors (it
originated in Aleppo, Syria). It has been grown in the New World since
1494 and is naturalized throughout Europe, North and South America, and
parts of Asia. The name "borage" comes from the Arabic name for this
plant, abu arak, "father
of sweat" because it induces sweating, which can be good if you have a
cold coming on. In the Mexican botanical medicine formulary, a
tincture for sweating consists of equal parts of red poppy petals,
borage petals, elder flowers, and violet flowers. But the Celtic name
for it, barrach,
means "man
of courage" and obviously focuses on borage's psychological effects.
Borage is also known as tailwort, bee's bread, and starflower. Barely cover the seeds of this hardy annual to
germinate in 7-14 days at room
temp, or you can direct sow them in
well cultivated soil May-June. Transplant to 12"/31cm apart to full
sun, although it can grow in partial shade. It loves clay. This plant
gets 3ft/.9m tall and 12"/31cm wide. Borage is a good companion plant
for tomatoes, squash, and strawberries. Plant borage in a bunch so the
plants can support each other
- they can flop over in windy areas. Borage gets a taproot, so is good
for breaking up previously uncultivated soils. Bees love the flowers,
which have a lot of nectar. The flowers are normally blue, but
sometimes they will be pink, even on the
same plant. An occasional plant will have white flowers. Self-seeds
when happy. General
growing info
Borage officinalis
Uses in Witchcraft & Magick: Courage |
Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.