Spikenard -
Nardostachys jatamansi Lots
of occult shops sell a completely different plant, Aralia racemosa,
American spikenard, in place of the spikenard of the ancients, which has
a much richer scent. True spikenard comes from
the Himalayas, which made it extraordinarily difficult to obtain
in ancient times. Even now, it is not commonly met with. I was
happy to find authentic spikenard from Nepal recently and hope
to be carrying it from now on. The scent of this magick herb
is musky and earthy; it's sometimes combined with Himalayan
valerian in
Asian medicine as a treatment for hysteria. The valerian would
of course greatly increase the muskyness. But spikenard has
a glorious facet to its fragrance that the humble valerian lacks.
This Earth herb is also known
as nard and jatamansi.
You're in the Info Section
Spikenard powder, Himalayan Discontinued
Uses in
Witchcraft & Magic:
Meditation Ancient Egyptian & Hebrew
Incense Elemental Magic Earth Herb
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