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Angelica Angelica Root
Angelica archangelica

Angelica is a Venus herb that builds female and creative energy, bringing inspiration and helping new ideas to grow. It is connected to The Empress card in the Tarot. It is also protective and is mentioned as defense against evil forces as far back as the Icelandic sagas. In European practice, powdered angelica was sprinkled around the house to repel witchcraft. In Hoodoo, angelica root is protective of hearth and home and may be an ingredient in a mojo bag for that purpose. Together with salt, it is used as a powder for purifying the house. It is also combined with salt and sulfur to become a component in uncrossing powders. A woman who has been the target of a violent man can carry an angelica root dressed with Fiery Wall of Protection Oil. Top

Angelica has been considered linked with angels (especially the Fire angel, Michael) since the 1600s, when people believed that it protected against plague (and it would protect from fleas due to the smell). Anything that protects from plague can be used to protect against plaguey spirits. Angelica has often been incorporated into a lucky charm, thus showing another perspective of Venus and its typical connection to money. Top

Please note that this is not the Angelica root used in traditional Chinese medicine (Angelica sinesis, also known as dong-quai), which is currently out of stock. Angelica archangelica is native to northern Europe, where it grows wild. Its root is aromatic and has been used in various culinary applications (like flavoring liqueurs and spirits). The whole plant has a long history of use as an herbal remedy, including as a relaxant (recent animal studies have shown compelling evidence for its anti-anxiety properties). To learn more about these uses, visit our Angelica seed page, which also includes a recipe for candied angelica. Angelica archangelica should not be used by pregnant women or those with diabetes. Top

© 2004-2024 Alchemy Works; No reproduction without permission 

Angelica Root, chopped
Angelica archangelica
1 oz. $6.00


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Uses in Witchcraft & Magic:

Venus Herb
Uncrossing Powders
Luck Charms

Other aromatic roots:
calamus, orris, vetiver, valerian. 

Alchemy Works products are offered for use in spiritual, ritual, meditative, and magical practices, not for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. The information on this website is provided for its folkloric, historic, and magical value. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.